You can actually call an AC contractor and get a free estimate on a new or used AC you wish to buy. But calling a contractor for a free estimate is not the issue; the main issue is knowing the right questions to ask the contractor when requesting for a free estimate on a new or used AC you want to purchase.

The purpose of this article is to equip you with the needed information, that will enable you to ask the right questions when contacting an AC contractor for an estimate on a new or used AC. Below are the top 4 questions you should ask a contractor when getting the estimate on a new or used air conditioner;

The Size Of The AC

Not every AC in the market can effectively cool your home or office; so it is very important that you confirm from the contractor, the perfect AC size that will be able to service your home or office without any hassle.

Another reason for finding out the size of the unit from the contractor is that; most AC brands are very large in appearance, and if you have limited space in your home, you might want to consider a brand with small and medium sized AC units.

The Capacity Of The AC

Air conditioners come in various shapes, sizes, and capacity. So when looking to buy a new or used AC from an AC contractor, make sure you ask him about the capacity of the unit you intend to buy. Going for an AC unit with a very low capacity or horse power is nothing short of wasteful spending, because that unit will not be able to meet the cooling needs of your home.

The Price And Mode Of Payment

Another thing you must ask the AC contractor, is the price of the new or used AC you want to acquire. You should also find out the mode of payment that the contractor operates with, so as to know if the payment option/method is convenient for you.


Do not settle for an AC that is very complex and takes lot of time to mount/install. Make sure you find out from the contractor how easy it is for the AC to be installed.

Now with the tips above, we believe you are now better equipped to be able to ask the right questions when asking an AC contractor for a free estimate on a new or used AC.